Return Policy




At FranzieRosie, we genuinely believe in the excellence of our exclusive products. We uphold a 15-day return policy, allowing you to initiate a return within 15 days after receiving your item.

To qualify for a return, your item(s) must meet the following criteria:

  1. Report the return and dispatch the item within 15 days of order delivery.

  2. Return the item in its original packaging with all the original contents.

  3. Ensure the item is in new condition and include the receipt or proof of purchase.

  4. Verify that the item contains all original undamaged manuals and gifts (if included).

  5. Confirm that the item is uncontaminated, unstained, undamaged, and unwashed.

Please be aware that, due to personal hygiene reasons, refunds are only applicable for missing or defective items. 

If your return item fails to meet these requirements or is considered unsuitable by our team for any reason, we reserve the right to refuse your refund.

The shipping costs for returns are the responsibility of the customer. Only defective items or incorrectly received items will be reimbursed for return package shipping.



You are required to return your package to our international warehouse within 15 days. We will notify you once we have received and inspected your package, informing you of the approval status for the refund. If approved, the refund will be automatically processed to your original method of payment.

Upon receiving the returned package, we will assess whether the item(s) meet the criteria for a refund. If the criteria are satisfied, the refund will be initiated within 7 days to the account used for the original purchase. For further assistance, please Contact us or send an email to

To initiate a return, please Contact us at Upon acceptance of your return, we will provide instructions on how and where to send your package. Please note that items returned without prior authorization will not be accepted.



Please inspect your order upon receipt and reach out to us promptly if you find the item to be faulty, damaged, or if you have received the wrong item. This will allow us to assess the issue and rectify it accordingly.



The fastest way to ensure you receive the item you desire is to return the current item. Once the return has been accepted, you can proceed to make a new purchase for the desired item.



We will notify you upon receiving and inspecting your return, informing you whether the refund has been approved or not. If approved, the refund will be processed automatically to your original payment method. Please be aware that it might take some time for your bank or credit card company to complete the refund processing.



After placing the order, the shipping process will commence promptly to ensure the fastest delivery time for each customer. Therefore, we regret to inform you that we DO NOT offer order cancellations.

FranzieRosie is always here for you. We hope you love your order! If you need any support, please feel free to Contact us or email us at



♡  FranzieRosie wishes you a wonderful day!